Sunday, July 27, 2008

Long Time, No Bloggy

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaawn. Hear that? That's the sound of the sand falling out of my hair, fingernails, and other unmentionable places. And I'm not happy about it. If I had my way, I'd have sandy crevices from now until Halloweenie. I'd legally change my name to Sandy Trunks (word up, Pauly!) if it would buy me more time at the beach. But, well, it all ain't happenin' and I'm back here at home getting reacquainted with my rusty blog. I had all intentions of gettin' bloggy with it while we were vacationing, but the salt air intoxicated me and I got a case of the lazies. I have found out something about myself that I never, ever knew. I like to be lazy. I like doing nothing and being responsible for nada. You see, I'm not good at chilling out. I'm always on the go, always feeling like there's soooo much to be accomplished and so little time. I'm always TELLING people to smell the roses, but I'm the one always planting, watering, fertilizing and pruning them. As Zeke would say "not good." But after this vacation, I've found a new side of me. Lazy. And I'm going to try to cultivate that side - Lazy is the new Industrious. That should be a t shirt...

Getting a little more real tho, vacation was fun. As you can tell, it was relaxation maximization. It went something like this: wakey-wakey-cornflakey, hit the beach, walk 20 steps back to the house for lunch, walk 20 steps back to the beach after lunch, trudge ("trudge" this time b/c we're now carrying 55 lbs. of beach gear, of which 20 lbs. was actually used...) back to the house for post beach workout (p.b. workout = snacks, drinks, shower, laying on deck, gathering troops for evening festivities), then off to nighttime funfests. Repeat the above about 6 times and voila!, there's our vacation. Perfecto. Zeke had a ball - he had his cousins to play with all week plus he hung with Mom Mom Mare and Poppy a bit, so life was A+ in his book. Pauly and I got to sneak away twice for some Cape May dinners and strolls - woo hoo! All in all, a great time was had by all. Am I ready for the real world? No. But, it has smacked me in the face in the form of a laundry pile 6 feet high.

Gotta go - I've got a date with the washer and dryer. For the next 3 days. In between loads I'll hold down the blog so keep reading...

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England Slideshow

Fall Fun 2009

I got a lil' bored and started playing around with Zeke's pic...

Check out my slideshow from our trip to Cherry Crest Farm on 11/1/08!

Check out my slideshow from Tyler Arboretum's Pumpkin Days - 10/19/08

A Visit to the Petting Zoo at East Goshen Park - 7/29/08