Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Target: the cure for the common cold.

As we know, yesterday was not a good day for me. I did power through though and made the best of it. Zeke and I went to a pumpkin painting playdate then on to a friend's b-day celebration. When all of the fun was done, I floored it on over to my doc's office. Dr. Lou is the MAN...I was in and out in 20 minutes with a script for the Z-Pak in hand. I ran over to Target to have my script filled because, well, along with an antibiotic, I felt that a bit of shopping therapy would do my goopy head some good. An hour later (and $101..), I was outta' there with the goods and now today I'm feeling like there may be some healthier days in store for me soon. I decided though that today Zeke and I are laying low - we're doing laundry, vacuuming...ya' know, all the stuff that's usually too lame to do on super nice 70 degree sunny days. I'm hoping that by tomorrow I'll feel ready to conquer the world again. Or at least Chester County.

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England Slideshow

Fall Fun 2009

I got a lil' bored and started playing around with Zeke's pic...

Check out my slideshow from our trip to Cherry Crest Farm on 11/1/08!

Check out my slideshow from Tyler Arboretum's Pumpkin Days - 10/19/08

A Visit to the Petting Zoo at East Goshen Park - 7/29/08