Sunday, September 14, 2008

Next generation of buds.

We went out to dinner with some old friends last night. They have 2 daughters, both are at least 3 years older than Zeke. It's funny to watch how older kids interact with toddlers. At first, it's just the whole "you're so uncool and little - I can't possibly hang with you" sitch. Then, after a while, when they realize they're going to be stuck with this kid for at least a few hours while their parents wine and dine, they make do and start to warm up to said toddler. That's exactly what happened last night. Our friends' girls played so well with Zeke at the restaurant (and yes, I literally mean "played", since we went to The Winner's Circle and it's UBER kid-friendly with the 10,432 arcade games there!). By the end of the night, when we gathered at our cars to say goodbye, all three kiddos were exchanging hugs and saying sad farewells. It's so cute to see them grow up together - especially since their fathers did the very same thing.

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England Slideshow

Fall Fun 2009

I got a lil' bored and started playing around with Zeke's pic...

Check out my slideshow from our trip to Cherry Crest Farm on 11/1/08!

Check out my slideshow from Tyler Arboretum's Pumpkin Days - 10/19/08

A Visit to the Petting Zoo at East Goshen Park - 7/29/08