Sunday, January 3, 2010

It took a decade to create this list.

Haven't posted in a while. I think my blog is mad at me. Sorry, sorry, it's been too insane to stop and download photos or even get a thought down in here. But here's the scoop: tomorrow school starts again for Zeke and that means it's the official end of the holidays. I'm so sad about that. I'm not ready to move into a new year, let alone a new decade. I'm procrastinating, dragging my feet, and feeling sappy about things that are moving too fast. Before I know it, June will be here and my baby will be on summer break. I hate how time is flying by. Grab it, hold onto's all so fleeting.

So, my friend Missy over at The Fox and the Crow summed up her decade with a pretty mind twisting list. I'm stealing it and repeating here on my blog with my own decade memories, hoping that she doesn't mind the thievery:

Best Day: the day I gave birth to Zeke
Worst Day: I have to agree with Missy, 9/11/01

Best Decision: to adopt our third dog, Simon
Worst Decision: to allow Nixon (a family dog) to be adopted out

Best Realization: that I WAS meant to be a mom, after all
Worst Realization: that I probably wouldn't be able to fulfill all of my career goals

Biggest Hope: that I make the best decisions regarding Zeke's education
Biggest Fear: that the new Lupus drug, Benlysta, won't pass FDA approval and my Lupus will get worse.

Best Year: not sure, but '09 has been pretty good.
Worst Year: 2001. 9/11 made me realize how vulnerable we are.

People I can't live without: Paul & Zeke
People I can live without: dead weights in my life

Best Fashion Find: long, shawl collared sweater
Worst Fashion Find: long, shawl collared sweater (love 'em, but they make me look even shorter)

Fashion Obsession: OMG, purses, of course
Fashion Hate: yeah, I agree with Missy, UGGS. And I'm not ashamed to say that I wore a pair for 10 minutes back in '08. What was I thinking?

Best Food/Drink Find: Ty-Phoo tea from England
Worst Food/Drink Find: Hawaiian Pizza - McMahon made me try it and I tasted bacon for hours.

Food/Drink Love: Tacconelli's pizza
Food/Drink Hate: any food with meat and any drink with milk

TV Love: Jockeys, Lost, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Bridezillas, Jersey Shore, Big Brother
TV Hate: Two and a Half Men (I hate most of the Sheens. Emilio seems okay based on the fact that he changed his last name, seemingly disassociating himself from the other Sheen bozos).

Internet Love:
Internet Hate: Twitter (don't waste your time telling me that you're about to take out the recycles. I'm not about to care.)

Best Development: Zeke learning the nuances of all of the Nancy/Paul jokes and when to interject the appropriate punch lines
Worst Development: Timmy's (my 2nd chihuahua) heart condition

Best Investment: our current home
Worst Investment: BOTH of the old Volvos we purchased thinking we'd drive them for 50 years. No such luck.

Best Travel: England
Worst Travel: Philadelphia (it's not really "travel" but it takes us about 30 minutes to get there and it seems to irritate me EVERY time.)

Personal Empowerment: being on the verge of 40
Personal Struggle: career deprivation

Best Accomplishment: Zeke and my marriage
Worst Failure: I've lost faith in the Catholic church.

How I Started This Decade: unsure
How I'm Ending This Decade: confident in myself as a woman, loved by my family, in love with my boys, hopeful for a healthier future, determined to find career fulfillment, kinder to the animal world, and on a mission to educate people about the importance of respecting animals even if you don't choose to love them.

Happy 2010 everyone. May it be peaceful and filled with love.


Chris said...

It's Erika, not Chris...I think that I may just take your list and make it a note on FB! I loved reading it Nancy and reading about you. But, now it's 11:00 and when the boys get up at 5:30am--I will curse you, just kidding! Once I start reading a blog, I read more and more and then it's midnight! Happy new year lady and hope to see you soon :)

Jennifer said...

Loved reading your list. I also really enjoyed the slide show. I have to live vicariously through you:) Hopefully I'll see you soon!

Julie said...

I loved reading your list too! I find that our answers could be eerily similar... lol i may do this later :D

England Slideshow

Fall Fun 2009

I got a lil' bored and started playing around with Zeke's pic...

Check out my slideshow from our trip to Cherry Crest Farm on 11/1/08!

Check out my slideshow from Tyler Arboretum's Pumpkin Days - 10/19/08

A Visit to the Petting Zoo at East Goshen Park - 7/29/08